- Admissions
- Admissions Counselor. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8222
- Academic Records
- Registrar. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8204
- Campus Ministries
- Campus Pastor. . . . .Erb Hall Student Life department, 620-327-8291
- Campus Safety and Security
- Student Life Office Suite. . . . .Erb Hall, across from the Larks Nest, 620-217-0051
- Class Schedule
- Academics office. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8204
- College Bills
- Business Office. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8216
- Counseling
- Campus Counselor. . . . .Erb Hall, across from the Larks Nest, 620-327-8238
- Dining Services
- Dining Hall. . . . .Bontrager Student Center, 620-327-8177
- Disability Services
- Disability Services Office. . . . .Smith Center, 620-327-8342
- Employment On Campus
- Campus Student Employment Coordinator. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8220
- Financial Aid
- Dir. of Financial Aid. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8208
- Formation Information
- Student Life Office Suite. . . . .Erb Hall, across from the Larks Nest, 620-327-8235
- General Information
- On Call Office. . . . .Erb Hall, 620-217-0051
- Housing
- Student Life Office Suite. . . . .Erb Hall, across from the Larks Nest, 620-327-8285
- Lost and Found
- Business Office. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8216
Student Life Office Suite. . . . .Erb Hall, across from the Larks Nest, 620-327-8235 - Post Office. . . . .Bookstore, Erb Hall 1st floor, 620-327-8104
- Registration
- Registrar. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 3rd floor, 620-327-8204
- Student Bank
- Cashier. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8218
- Title IX
- Title IX Office. . . . .Smith Center, 620-327-8342
- Tutorial Services
- Access Lab. . . . .Smith Center, 620-327-8213
- Work-Study Checks
- Cashier. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8218
- Work Study Jobs
- Campus Student Employment Coordinator. . . . .Alliman Administration Center, 2nd floor, 620-327-8220
Handbook 2024-25