
Hesston College students Clayton Bontrager (freshman, Harrisonburg, Va.), Travis Duerksen (sophomore, Canton, Kan.), Solomon Rudy (freshman, Manheim, Pa.), Brooke Gugel (sophomore, Wauseon, Ohio) and Matt Lehman (not pictured, sophomore, Kidron, Ohio) work with Ted Swartz of Ted and Company TheaterWorks, Harrisonburg, Va., to present “Genre Cafe,” a dramatic interpretation of the various genre of biblical texts.

Hesston College students Clayton Bontrager (freshman, Harrisonburg, Va.), Travis Duerksen (sophomore, Canton, Kan.), Solomon Rudy (freshman, Manheim, Pa.), Brooke Gugel (sophomore, Wauseon, Ohio) and Matt Lehman (not pictured, sophomore, Kidron, Ohio) work with Ted Swartz of Ted and Company TheaterWorks, Harrisonburg, Va., to present "Genre Cafe," a dramatic interpretation of the various genre of biblical texts.


More than 200 registrants participated in the 13th Hesston College Anabaptist Vision and Discipleship Series event, “Learning the Bible in life-giving ways: History, hooks, and heilsgeschichte.” Marion Bontrager and Michele Hershberger (left, backs to camera) presented a condensed version of Hesston College’s signature course, Biblical Literature, Oct. 30-Nov. 1 in Hesston.

Hesston College's AVDS 2009


Jesus, played by Omar Reyes (right) tests his followers’ willingness to “Follow me,” in a sketch from the original play “This is Your Pig.” Performers from left are Cody Zabroski, Jeron Baker, Rachel Brown, Ryan Kopper, Leah Baker, Anna Yoder and Margaret Wiebe.

Jesus, played by Omar Reyes (right) tests his followers’ willingness to “Follow me,” in a sketch from the original play “This is Your Pig.” Performers from left are Cody Zabroski, Jeron Baker, Rachel Brown, Ryan Kopper, Leah Baker, Anna Yoder and Margaret Wiebe.


Michele Hershberger uses a timeline to explain where Biblical events fall in Heilsgeschichte.

Michele Hershberger teaches Hesston College's Bib Lit class


Freshman Andrea De Avila Balboa from Matamoros, Mexico takes notes on Heilsgeschichte during a Bib Lit class.

Hesston College students in Bib Lit class


Hesston College freshmen (from left) Shuvo Das from Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Delmar Reyes from Hugoton, Kan.; Elyse Terry from Bluffton, Ohio; and Andrew Penner from Fresno, Calif., engage in an explanation during Bib Lit class.

Hesston College students in Bib Lit class


Michele Hershberger, Hesston College Bible and Ministry instructor, will teach a Psalms and Epistles class over three weekends during the spring 2012 semester. The class will be on the Hesston College campus and is open to any interested people.

Michele Hershberger teaches Hesston College's Biblical Literature course