Know Jesus 2011

Hesston College faculty member John Sharp plays a leader of the state church during the Anabaptist Game, along with students Joel Murray of Hesston, Kan., and Tyler Jones of Lascassas, Tenn. Photo by Curtis Denlinger

Faculty member John Sharp plays a leader of the state church during the Anabaptist Game, along with students Joel Murray of and Tyler Jones.


Hesston College students share their experiences with Hesston College Bible classes with Bible teachers from nine Mennonite high schools April 12.

Hesston College students share their experiences with Hesston College Bible classes with Bible teachers from nine Mennonite high schools April 12.


Michele Hershberger (front right) and preaching class students listen as a student practice preaches.

Michele Hershberger and preaching class students listen as a student practice preaches.

Ron and Tim_3516

Ron Moyo discusses class concepts with Tim Lichti, Director of the Hesston College Pastoral Ministries program. Moyo, who is in his second year of the two-year program, has built on his gift for ministry through the program and campus community.

Ron Moyo discusses class concepts with Tim Lichti, Director of the Hesston College Pastoral Ministries program.


Shane Hipps, keynote speaker at the “Digital Discipleship” conference at Hesston College November 7-9, cautioned his audience to “choose what you put in front of yourself,” warning later that MySpace and Facebook are addictive, especially to teenagers. Hipps also offered strong affirmation and challenges for the Mennonite Church.

Shane Hipps speaks at the AVDS conference


Leland Nisly, bishop of the Cedar Crest Beachy Amish Mennonite Church near Hutchinson, Kan., said the weekend challenged him to be aware of and think deeply about how the technology we use shapes us and the culture we live in. He also helped lead a workshop titled “Community Discernment and Accountability: A Conversation with the Beachy Amish.”

Leland Nisly


Marion Bontrager, an overseer in South Central Mennonite Conference, and Bible professor and Hershberger’s colleague at Hesston College, led the ordination ceremony of Michele Hershberger. As part of the ordination by South Central Mennonite Conference, Bontrager places a red stole around her.

Michele Hershberger receives a stole from Marion Bontrager at her ordination service


Family, friends, along with Hesston College faculty, staff, and students, and members of Hesston Mennonite Church and other area churches, gather to lay hands on and pray for Michele Hershberger as the concluding part of her ordination by South Central Mennonite Conference for Christian ministry in Mennonite Church USA.

Michele Hershberger is surrounded by friends at her ordination service