Six disaster management students receive a plaque of completion. Students completing the program were (from left) Darin Bontrager, Archbold, Ohio; David Hochstetler, Strang, Neb.; Mandy Kanagy, Timberville, Va.; Leah Rittenhouse, Mount Pleasant, Pa.; John Schoenhals, Archbold, Ohio; and Jason Tennefoss, Greenwood, Del. This year’s graduates will complete summer service assignments with Mennonite Disaster Service and other disaster relief organizations at disaster sites across the country. Six freshmen disaster management students are serving with MDS for eight weeks in Mississippi.

From left, Pastoral Ministries students, Jerry Acosta and wife Lori, Mathis, Texas; Larry Catlett and wife Carlotta Ponds, Hesston, Kan; and James Wengerd and wife Cheryl, Hartville, Ohio, receive a prayer of blessing from Bible and Ministry faculty and staff during a commissioning service. This year’s graduates are the 25th class to complete the program, bringing the total number of Pastoral Ministries graduates to 136.