
Disaster Management student Leah Rittenhouse works at an MDS project site.

Disaster Management student Leah Rittenhouse works at an MDS project site.


Hesston College career home run record holders Erika Shrock and Tyler Yoder

Hesston College career home run record holders Erika Shrock and Tyler Yoder


Hesston College Facilities staff Tim Goering and Forrest Miller and student Curtis Denlinger of Perkasie, Pa. move dressers from Erb Hall central and west. A semi-load of the dorm furniture was donated to non-profit organizations in Waco, Texas. Pictured in the background is Zach Baumgartner of Hesston, Kan.

Hesston College Facilities staff Tim Goering and Forrest Miller and student Curtis Denlinger of Perkasie, Pa. move dressers from Erb Hall central and west.