Know Jesus 2011

Hesston College faculty member John Sharp plays a leader of the state church during the Anabaptist Game, along with students Joel Murray of Hesston, Kan., and Tyler Jones of Lascassas, Tenn. Photo by Curtis Denlinger

Faculty member John Sharp plays a leader of the state church during the Anabaptist Game, along with students Joel Murray of and Tyler Jones.


Laura Unruh of Newton, Kan., Kaedi LeFevre of Hesston, Kan., Erin Banman of Lenexa, Kan., Solomon Rudy of Manheim, Pa., Perry Andre of Wauseon, Ohio, and Robert Howell of Newton, Kan., rehearse a scene from “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” with choreographer and Hesston College faculty member Rachel Jantzi.

Cast members rehearse for the Hesston College production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee