
Quilters cast members helped unveil the college’s centennial quilt following the first performance Friday evening. The centennial quilt hangs in the Bontrager Student Center entry.

Hesston College's Centennial Quilt

WBS w SCYoder3

Winter Bible Term with S.C. Yoder as teacher, ca. 1920.

Special Bible Term


Gilbert Alliman checks in with mom and dad, Elizabeth Carlson and Chris Alliman ’95, Kansas City, Mo.

Gilbert Alliman checks in with mom and dad, Elizabeth Carlson and Chris Alliman ’95, Kansas City, Mo.


Stan Sommerfeld Ac59 of Sharon Springs, Kan., won the bid for one of the final six Green Gables candlehouses.

Stan Sommerfeld Ac59 of Sharon Springs, Kan., won the bid for one of the final six Green Gables candlehouses.


Don Ac56, ’61 and Debbie Diller of Phoenix, Ariz., place a bid on a silent auction item.

Don Ac56, ’61 and Debbie Diller of Phoenix, Ariz., place a bid on a silent auction item.


Jessie Couch ’07, Mulvane, Kan., and sophomore Chad Newcomer, Mount Joy, Pa., display a quilt for auction bidders.

Jessie Couch ’07, Mulvane, Kan., and sophomore Chad Newcomer, Mount Joy, Pa., display a quilt for auction bidders.


Faculty member John Sharp, author of A School on the Prairie: A Centennial History of Hesston College 1909-2009, signs a copy of his book for Duane Yoder ’81 and former faculty and staff member, of Harrisonburg, Va. at the book’s premiere

John Sharp signs A School on the Prairie


Melvin Schmidt, Hyattsville, Md., speaks at the dedication service for the Freedley Schrock memorial.

Melvin Schmidt speaks at the Freedley Schrock Memorial dedication


A crowd gathers to dedicate a memorial to former Hesston College faculty member Freedley Schrock Saturday, Sept. 26.

A crowd gathers to dedicate the Freedley Schrock memorial at Hesston College


H.D. Swartzendruber Ac46, ’49, of Harrisonburg, Va., asks a question at the history forum.

H.D. Swartzendruber


Joe Miller ’76, John Sharp ’73, faculty, Jim Juhnke former faculty, and Jim Mininger Ac61, former faculty, discussed Hesston College’s history and its connection to the Mennonite Church during a Friday afternoon forum, Sept. 25.

Panel members at the Hesston College Centennial history forum


Former Interim President Peter Wiebe, also a former pastor of Hesston Mennonite Church, offered a meditation on the theme, “Back to the Future: Century II” during the Centennial Homecoming Worship Service.

Peter Wiebe speaks at the worship service