Hesston Experience
I was a 2012-13 resident assistant. Nursing keeps me busy, so I have to limit my involvement.
The Right Choice
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a nurse. When I got to Hesston, I began to question my decision to study nursing. I enjoy relating to people and connecting with them on a deeper level, and I realized there were several careers that would allow me to do that. Being in Hesston’s nursing program and interacting with my instructors has reaffirmed my decision to become a nurse. Nursing is more than physical care; it allows me to be encouraged by patients. I hope I can be an encouragement to them as well.
Not Afraid of a Challenge
The nursing program is very challenging, which I love. Being challenged makes you think critically and stimulates the mind. The instructors are really what make the program, though. They are wonderful people who are always ready to help, encourage and inspire.
Quiet Moments
Nursing keeps me very busy. Between class, studying and clinicals there are times when I feel like I am going nonstop. During one of those times, I was feeling the need for quiet time. That week at a hospice clinical I worked with a patient who was near death. Even though she knew she would soon die, she was at peace, inspiring and an encouragement to me. She talked about how she always had Bible study on Thursdays, so for about a half hour we read the Bible together. It was exactly what I needed that week – just a little time to be still. It was a critical moment for me in my nursing career and showed me the mutual impact between nurse and patient.
About Jessica
“Jessica shows enthusiasm in working with people. She has a great curiosity that will carry her throughout her entire career.” — Rita Peters, nursing instructor
Go Everywhere
After Hesston I will probably go to Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg, Va.) to work on my B.S.N. while working part time. With my future career, I ideally see myself working as a hospice or oncology nurse. The end-of-life process intrigues me. People have very profound moments during that time as they reflect on their life. I feel like that is where I would best be able to connect more deeply with patients, hear their thoughts and, I hope, be a healing presence for them.