Homecoming 2010 was Sept. 24 to 26. The premier event for the weekend was a Science and Math Symposium featuring 13 alumni speakers. Keynote speakers included Dale Kempf ’75, Gene Zaid ’71 and Glenn R. Smucker ’66. Other events included reunion gatherings, Partner Appreciation Breakfast, Alumni Banquet, Tailgate Picnic and Family Festival and sports events. Emancipation, a group of alumni from 1999 to 2001, provided musical entertainment at the Alumni Banquet. Another alumni group led by Jeremy Kempf ’00 provided the music for Sunday morning worship. About 400 people participated in the weekend activities and reconnected with former classmates and the college. To see more pictures from the weekend, visit the Hesston College page on Facebook.
Shoua Moua ’90, a Pastoral Ministries graduate and Hmong Mennonite church planter from Fresno, Calif., brings the message during Sunday morning worship. He has established churches in California, Colorado, Minnesota and North Carolina.
A young festival-goer gets her face painted by sophomore Danielle Hanna of Whitewater, Kan., at Friday night’s Tailgate Picnic and Family Festival. The evening’s activities also included magic shows, a photo booth, kids activities and games and a “Meet the Larks fall sports teams.”
Chemistry professor Jim Yoder (left) visits with Gene Zaid ’71 president and CEO of JACAM Chemical Company, Inc., in Sterling, Kan., after his symposium presentation. Zaid spoke on “Life Experiences, Chemistry and JACAM.”
Brian Nebel ’83 (far right) explains the Zeon Electric Mower to symposium attendees. Nebel is director of Engineering at Excel Industries in Hesston.
Erin (Nebel) ’00 Kempf visits with a former classmate.
Sophomore Anna Yoder from Garden City, Mo., helps serve the meal at the Partner Appreciation Breakfast.
Quiet Ncube ’83, Torrance, Calif., presents on “Applying Physics in Radiation Treatments” during the Science and Math Symposium. He works in Radiation Oncology at the University of California, Los Angeles where he is involved in developing new methods of treating cancer.
Cheritt Gingerich ’00 performs a magic show during the Friday evening Tailgate Picnic and Family Festival.
Art faculty member Hanna Eastin throws a teacup during a ceramics demonstration.