It has become increasingly clear that our world needs education, for religion without education leads to fanaticism.
It has become increasingly clear that our world needs its education tempered with Christianity, for education without a strong and prevailing sense of the transcendent leads to cynicism and hopelessness.
It has become increasingly clear that our world needs its education and Christianity in the context of community, for neither religion nor education are effective unless firmly constituted in community.
Hesston College is a place where Anabaptist Christianity and quality education are effectively integrated in nurturing community.
This college is not perfect, but I know of no other place that has assembled such a gifted and excellent staff dedicated to just that mission: effective education in the union of Anabaptism and nurturing community. Year after year, I have witnessed positive growth and transformations in the lives of a continuous procession of students.
If there is hope for the future of the church and of humanity, it must come from people who have truly experienced – been immersed in – this kind of education. So where better to invest in our collective futures and the future of our world than in the effective and continuing future of Hesston College?