A crowd gathers to dedicate the Freedley Schrock memorial at Hesston College

College dedicates Freedley Schrock memorial at Centennial Homecoming Weekend

By Susan Miller Balzar At the dedication of the Freedley Schrock Memorial on Saturday, Sept. 26, family, friends, and former students remembered a Hesston College teacher whose mentoring profoundly affected their lives. A sun-splashed afternoon permitted guests to gather around the memorial, which is located in a shaded area north of Alliman Administration Center, near […]

Sharp signs A School on the Prairie

by Susan Miller Balzar John Sharp, author of A School on the Prairie: A Centennial History of Hesston College 1909-2009, got to write his name many times during the book premiere and reception in Bontrager Student Center Friday evening, Sept. 25. Throughout the Centennial weekend, 400 of the 450 history books ordered by the college […]

Heritage Auction during Centennial Homecoming will support dorm renovation project

by Susan Miller Balzer What happens in a heritage auction? Donors give, buyers pay premium prices, and Hesston College benefits. President Howard Keim prays, “Give us generous hearts” and auctioneers Jim Brenneman, of Denver, Colorado, and Larry Martin Ac56, and Clark Roth ’82, of Hesston, remind people that this is not the time to find […]

Fall 2009 News Briefs

New faculty members for the 2009-10 year include David LeVan (business), Elizabeth Gatz and Fern Gerber (nursing clinicals), Sheldon Goerzen ’09 and Mike Moore (aviation flight instructor interns), and sabbatical replacements Gregg Schroeder ’86 (nursing/Ruby Graber) and Hannah Neufeld and Holly Swartzendruber (music/Matthew Schloneger). Seven staff members joined Hesston College’s ranks or took on new […]

Special Bible Term

by John E. Sharp On Monday, January 10, 1910, the first of the long-standing annual Special Bible Terms began. Sixteen students enrolled for the four-week term. J.B. Smith, who would join the academy faculty in the second year, and George R. Brunk, who was relocating from Protection, Kan., to Denbigh, Va., supplemented the teaching faculty. […]

Celebrating a Hesston College century

by Deb (Swartzendruber) ’83 Roth, faculty chair There was work involved: writing a history book, planning Division Open Houses, directing a musical, planning meetings, organizing worship and music, submitting recipes, preparing historical monologues and, of course, teaching our classes. Yes, Hesston College faculty put in many extra hours to prepare for Centennial Weekend 2009. However, […]

Looking back, looking forward – President’s perspective

by Howard Keim This issue of Hesston College Today previews the Centennial Celebration on campus in September of 2009, 100 years after the first group of students enrolled. It would not be possible to recount that history here. So many stories, and stories within stories, could be told, that Mary Miller, and now John Sharp […]

The “Big Trio” and the Founders Quartet

by John Sharp On a day designated as Founder’s Day, Nov. 23, 1979, Hesston College administrators named the following four leading spirits “founders” of the college. A.L. (Abraham Lincoln) Hess Abe Hess was born near Ephrata, Pa., in 1861. He and Anna Pfautz Hess migrated to the Kansas prairies in 1884 in the company of […]

Paul Friesen sculpts a work to mark a century

by Susan Balzar A sculpture evoking images of the “School in the West” and its home on the prairie is taking shape as Paul Friesen carves a five-foot section of the trunk of a red cedar to create a Hesston College centennial commemoration. Friesen, a student at the academy and college in 1941-44, began teaching […]

Timely stitches of master quilters produce Centennial quilt

by Susan Balzar Martha (Buckwalter) ’48, Hershberger, of Hesston, and her daughter, Faith (Hershberger) ’74, Penner, of Harper, Kan., drew their inspiration from the Kansas prairie and from Hesston College graphic designer Nancy Miller’s design for the college’s centennial theme, “Living the Vision” as they worked together to create a commissioned centennial quilt. The result, […]

156 graduates celebrate Commencement Weekend 2009

by Carol Duerksen Hesston College graduated 156 students on Sunday morning, May 3, in Yost Center, and Jim and Jim were in the gym to address them before they received their diplomas. Representing the “lofty” world of academia, 36-year veteran of the science faculty, Jim Yoder, was dressed in full regalia and spoke from the […]

Lisa Harrelson receives her nursing pin from instructor Ruby Graber

My true potential

by Lisa Harrelson as told to Carol Duerksen Everybody who graduated from the Hesston College Nursing Program in 2009 has a story, but Lisa Harrelson…Lisa has a story that must be told. Lisa has a story that testifies to the courage of a young woman with a learning disability, the mystery of God’s perfect timing, […]

Aviation offers new air traffic control program

Hesston College’s Aviation Program will be expanding this fall to include a new career track in air traffic control, according to Director of Aviation Dan Miller. “The air traffic control program will provide a pilot’s perspective to controllers and an air traffic control perspective to pilots,” Miller said. “Through the merging of these perspectives, we […]

Nursing department planning a service learning course

Hesston College’s Nursing department is planning a new elective course to offer students opportunities to learn and serve in other cultures. Faculty member Sondra (Wedel) ’80 Leatherman leads the initiative. “I went to Tuba City, Ariz., for a nursing interterm course when I was a student at Hesston,” Leatherman recalled. “That experience is so valuable […]