New faculty and staff for the 2010-11 year include Justin (JR) Allen, plumbing and heating specialist; Becky Bartell, nursing faculty; Janine Coblentz ’02, Erb Hall resident director; Dr. Robert Enns, sociology faculty; Megan Gongwer ’08, campus activities director, Larks Nest manager, assistant women’s soccer coach; Dan Harrison ’78, campus counselor; Jeanelle Herrell, education and psychology faculty; Rachel Jantzi, speech communication faculty; Michael Kauffman, food service; Laura Kraybill, theatre and speech faculty; Julie (Stoltzfus) ’98 Lehman, campus counselor; Shane Miller, Kauffman Court resident director; Russ Neufeld ’97, network manager; Cindy Reimer, food service; Rachel Schlegel ’05, public information officer, Title III administrative assistant; Andrew Sharp ’99, Phon-a-thon coordinator and sports information director; Teresa Siemens, food service; Roxanne Stauffer ’08, admissions counselor; Angela Teeter ’94, Kropf Center academic assistant; Randy Toews, environmental services; Rachel Yoder ’08, admissions counselor.
Official numbers show an increased enrollment with a student count of 448 as compared to 439 a year ago; 256 students are new to Hesston College. Hesston students represent 31 states and 11 countries.
Hesston College closed the 2009-10 fiscal year in the black for the fifth consecutive year. Enrollment numbers, budget management and meeting the annual fund goal contributed to the success. “We are grateful to our board for its leadership, our faculty and staff for their dedication and quality work, and to congregations, alumni, friends and Partners who invest in the education of Hesston College students,” said President Howard Keim.
Faculty members were recognized at inservice in August for their classes that ranked the highest based on summary and teaching methods in the Spring 2010 IDEA survey. The faculty receiving recognition were John Sharp ’73, Patty Meier, Karen LeVan, Kevin Wilder, Kendra Burkey ’00, Jean Rodgers, Sondra Leatherman ’80, Joyce Huber, Rita Peters and David LeVan.