Hesston College’s enrollment is up nearly four percent this fall with a student count of 439 including 228 new students. Hesston students represent 25 states and 12 countries. Mennonite students number 192, 44 percent of the student population.
Hesston College closed the 2008-09 fiscal year in the black for the fourth consecutive year. Revenues outpaced expenses by nearly $250,000. “Stable enrollment, generous giving by Hesston’s alumni and friends, and careful budget management contributed to our success this year,” commented President Howard Keim.
Alumni and friends contributed $1.15 million to the Hesston College Fund in 2008-09, surpassing the annual goal by $25,000. The college’s Partners— donors who commit to supporting the Hesston College fund with annual contributions—gave more than $860,000. The fund aids current students through scholarships and grants.
Lincoln Perk, Hesston’s local gourmet coffee shop, has found a home on the Hesston College campus. Already popular with students, faculty, and staff, Lincoln Perk is now conveniently located in the Larks Nest in Erb Hall. The perk offers a variety of hot and cold beverages as well as lunch menu items and is open 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 10 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Former soccer coach Gerry Sieber returned to campus this fall with a new assignment: start a cross country team. Sieber will recruit a team to begin competing in fall 2010. Sieber coached men’s varsity soccer at Hesston for 23 years, compiling a 247-128-27 record including 11 regional championships. During his Hesston tenure he also coached track (8 years) and men’s basketball (5 years) and served as physical education department chair and athletic director (7 years).