Hesston College graduates were sent on to their next chapter challenged to love with the radical love of Jesus at commencement exercises on May 13. Michelle Armster, M.Div., executive director of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Central States (North Newton, Kan.), delivered the commencement address, “What’s love got to do with it?” based on the college’s 2017-18 theme verse of I Corinthians 13:1-3. Theatre students and director Rachel Jantzi (foreground) performed scenes and monologues in a Theatre Showcase. Brett McQuitty (right) (Goddard, Kan.) shares memories and gratitude during a reception honoring aviation graduates on May 12. Also pictured from left are Austin Troyer (Rockingham, Va.) and Luccas Schmucker (Hesston). John Reimer ’90, a demonstration pilot at Textron Aviation in Wichita, Kan., delivered the reception address. President Joseph A. Manickam ’87 celebrates a successful graduation with David Ladwig (Wichita, Kan.). Nursing professor and former Director of Nursing Education Bonnie (Kauffman) Ac65, ’67 Sowers offers a blessing of the hands for nursing graduate Gabby Willis (Rusk, Texas), who was among the 47 graduates honored at Nursing Pinning May 12. Alice Thornton Bell, APRN, MPA, MA, MSN, senior director at the Advisory Board Company and mother of nursing graduate Geoffrey Bell, delivered the address, “We Must Do Better Than This.” Michelle Armster, M.Div., delivers the commencement address. “So I say to you all today, choose love. Graduates, you are not the future, you are the now. So to love like God, you may need to look in different places. Because love speaks life, not death. Love speaks hope, not despair. Love speaks acceptance, not condemnation. Love speaks inclusion, not exclusion. Love is a choice. Love is a commitment. And we need you to choose love and to show us how to love again. Because the Good News, the Gospel, is about love for everyone.” Disaster Management graduates are surrounded for a commissioning at a recognition ceremony in their honor May 12. Krista Rittenhouse ’12 delivered the ceremony message, “It every day bro.” Rittenhouse serves with Mennonite Mission Network’s Service Adventure in Johnstown, Pa. Daisuke Chiba (Aikawa, Japan) receives his diploma from President Manickam, who conferred 47 bachelor of science in nursing degrees and 84 associate degrees. Mackenzie Miller (Lancaster, Pa.) and Jose Lezama Mendoza (Barquisimeto, Venezuela) share the student address at commencement exercises. Miller and Mendoza were nominated by faculty and staff and voted by their classmates as the graduate speakers to reflect on their Hesston Experience. Mariah Trible (Valley Center, Kan.) and Bible professor Michele (Schrock) ’81 Hershberger share a parting embrace.