Bible Courses Open to Community

Dr. Randall Goering, Kerm Gingerich and Vernabelle Stayrook

Since 1985, Biblical Literature, affectionately referred to as Bib Lit, has been a foundational course for all Hesston College students. Community members are also invited to attend this and other Bible courses to see first hand the faith and character formation that transpires.

Dr. Randall Goering is currently taking the course Jesus and the Gospels, but audited Bib Lit in the fall and was grateful for how it provided him with an overview of God’s story.

“All along the way [growing up], I learned pieces of things – often not even a whole book, you’d study a passage or maybe a chapter of the Bible or things like that – and seeing the overview felt valuable and important,” he explains. “I remember saying, ‘Oh, wow, this is pulling things together in a way that I hadn’t done before.’”

Kerm Gingerich Ac57, ’60 and his wife Vernabelle Stayrook are currently taking Peacemaking and Justice partially to stretch their minds and also to listen to current students.

“One of the things we would hope would happen when we came to it was just to see what the next generation is thinking, how they are responding to the same things we learned, and that’s been very gratifying,” shares Gingerich.

Many of Hesston’s Bible courses are open to the community to enroll in at a discounted rate when not taking for credit. Learn more about your options by contacting