Beverly Lapp to present piano recital

p> The Hesston College Music Department is hosting a piano recital by Beverly Lapp from Goshen (Ind.) College. The public is invited to the 7 p.m. concert Thursday, October 23, at Hesston Mennonite Church. Admission is free. Lapp will open the program with selections from her new CD “Every Blessing.” These will be available for […]

Community singers invited to join college choirs to perform Vivaldi’s Gloria

The Hesston College Music Department invites all community singers (high school age and above) to join the Hesston College choirs to present the college’s Masterworks Concert during Thanksgiving Weekend. Featured for this year’s concert at 8 p.m. Thursday, November 27, is Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria , conducted by Bradley Kauffman, music faculty member. Rehearsals are scheduled […]

Larks basketball teams kick off season with “Midnight Madness” event

by Andrew Sharp The Hesston College men’s and women’s basketball programs kicked off the 2008-2009 season with their annual “Midnight Madness” event on Friday night, October 3. After the doors of Yost Center were opened, the majority of the Hesston College student body poured inside while the Screamin’ Larks, the college’s pep band, filled the […]

Paragon Ragtime Orchestra to open Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts Season

Rick Benjamin’s Paragon Ragtime Orchestra will open the 2008-09 Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts season with a 3 p.m. concert at Hesston Mennonite Church on Sunday, October 26. The Paragon Ragtime Orchestra (PRO) is the world’s only year-round, professional ensemble re-creating “America’s Original Music” – the syncopated sounds of early musical theater, silent cinema, and vintage dance. […]

Bel Canto Singers to sing in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas October 17-20

The Bel Canto Singers from Hesston College will perform in Mennonite congregations in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas October 17-20 during fall semester break. The 19-voice mixed ensemble was selected by competitive audition in the spring of 2008. This fall, they will perform a concert titled “Jehovah Abides Forever,” featuring an eclectic repertoire celebrating God’s faithfulness. […]

Theatre Department to present “The Diviners” October 9-12

A play set during the Depression, “The Diviners,” will be performed by the Hesston College Theatre Department October 9 through October 12. Performances in Northlawn Room 109 are scheduled at 7 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and at 2 p.m., Sunday. “The Diviners,” which Theatre Director Megan Tyner described as an “intense, yet beautiful play,” tells […]

Homecoming Weekend Sept. 26-28 filled with activities for alumni and friends

More than 500 alumni and friends of Hesston College are expected to attend A Hesston College Homecoming September 26-28. Friday activities include morning class visits by visiting alumni and prospective students; an 11 a.m. chapel address by 1980 graduate Dave Foncannon, musician, artist, and pastor of Pueblo (Colo.) Mennonite Church; an afternoon Visual Arts department […]