Hesston College Environmental Biology students work with Hesston Elementary third graders.

Prairie planting is fun for all ages

You won’t very often find elementary school students in a college class. On the same note, college students look funny sitting in chairs made for five-year-olds. Despite a divergence from the norm, Hesston College Environmental Biology students and kindergartners and third graders at Hesston Elementary School collaborated three times during the fall semester on a […]

Three students have success at vocal competition

Three Hesston College voice students earned special recognition at the National Association of Teachers of Singing Regional Vocal Competition at Fort Hays (Kan.) State University Nov. 3 to 5. Twelve students represented Hesston College during the weekend competition. Freshman Emerencia Dudas of Toledo, Ohio earned second place in the Freshman-Sophomore Women’s Musical Theatre division, which […]

Hesston College prepares for Thanksgiving weekend

A 44-year tradition continues at Hesston College’s annual Thanksgiving Weekend: A Family Celebration Nov. 24 to 26. The weekend lineup includes activities for all ages, including a traditional Thanksgiving meal, music concerts, a talent show, men’s and women’s basketball tournaments, a two-mile run/walk and a luminary walk at Dyck Arboretum. “Thanksgiving is a wonderful time […]

Runners begin the 2010 Thanksgiving Weekend Howard Hustle. The 2011 race will be Fri. Nov. 25 and marks the 20th year of the race.

Thanksgiving tradition celebrates 20 years

2011 race results Like most holiday celebrations, Thanksgiving Weekend at Hesston College is full of tradition. Each year, participants look forward to the talent show, music department performances and men’s and women’s basketball tournaments, not to mention the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. One Hesston College Thanksgiving tradition that has grown in popularity among students, faculty, staff, […]

St. Petersburg Quartet

Renowned Russian quartet to bring classical sounds to HBPA concert

The second Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts event of the 2011-12 season will feature the “blissful” sounds of the St. Petersburg Quartet on Bethel College’s Memorial Hall stage. The string quartet, which is currently in residence at Wichita State University, will perform Sunday, Nov. 13, at 3 p.m. Quartet members are Alla Aranovskaya, 1st violin, Evgeny Zvonnikov, […]

Participants at Hesston College’s Anabaptist Discipleship and Vision Series conference discuss ways to be more inclusive during a breakout session.

Conference explores ways to be inclusive

Pastors, students, church leaders and members and other interested people gathered for the 12th annual Anabaptist Vision and Discipleship Series (AVDS) at Hesston College October 28 to 30. The theme for 2011 was “Getting Beyond Them and Us – to We.” Speaker presentations and breakout sessions with topics chosen by participants were used to discuss […]

Art gallery features local artists

Local artists Sasha Chapek of Wichita and Ethan Patrick Harris of Newton are displaying their distinctive and unusual styles in the Hesston College Friesen Center gallery through Oct. 28. A reception and chance for the public to meet the artists will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 13 in the gallery. Chapek received her […]

Bel Canto Singers to perform Fall Break concerts

The Hesston College Bel Canto Singers will present a program of sacred choral music during their Fall Break tour to Ohio and Indiana. All concerts are free and open to the public, though a free-will offering will be collected to cover program costs. Hesston College alumni and friends are particularly invited to attend. The program […]