Mennonite World Conference president-elect to headline 2013 commencement

Hesston College will celebrate the class of 2013 during Commencement Weekend May 3 to 5. The commencement ceremony will be at 9 a.m., Sunday, May 5, in Yost Center. Mennonite World Conference President-elect, J. Nelson Kraybill, will present the commencement address. Kraybill of Elkhart, Ind., serves as lead pastor of Prairie Street Mennonite Church (Elkhart) […]

Hesston College Bel Canto Singers, spring 2013

Bel Canto Singers to celebrate 30 years with east coast tour

The Hesston College Bel Canto Singers will celebrate 30 years of making music with a May tour to the east coast May 6 to 16, highlighted by a four-day New York City excursion. While in New York, the choir will participate in a Carnegie Hall performance and perform solo concerts at Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship and […]

Common Threads

Program explores connections between racial and religious groups

Hesston (Kan.) College faculty members will present, “Common Threads: Anabaptist and African-American Songs and Stories of Suffering and Hope,” an original program that explores the way the historical events of Anabaptist religious persecution and African-American racial segregation intersected will be presented at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 20 at Madison (Wisc.) Mennonite Church, 1501 Gilbert Road. […]

Hesston College to host church leader in residence

Longtime Mennonite Mission Network employee and recent retiree John Powell of Elkhart, Ind., will serve as Hesston College church leader in residence April 7 to 10. He will share about his experiences working for inclusion and overcoming racial oppression in the Mennonite church and broader social systems during Hesston College chapel services at 11 a.m., […]

Intergenerational connections to host concert

A group of college men – the Hesston College Amen Group – and the Hesston Area Senior Center will partner to host an evening of intergenerational connections and music by local group The Jammin’ Biscuits at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 20, at the Hesston Area Senior Center. The concert is open to the public. Admission […]


Award-winning German a cappella group to close out HBPA season

The refined vocal excellence of Calmus, a German a cappella ensemble, will round out the 2012-13 Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts season with a concert entitled “Bright Side of Life” at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 14, at Hesston Mennonite Church on the Hesston College campus. Following the concert, HBPA will host a dessert reception in the Hesston […]

Kelvin Ferbianto, Victoria Gunawan, Brenda Wenger, Michael Smalley

Sharing culture

Hesston College sophomore Victoria Gunawan (Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia) describes the Indonesian food she and freshman Kelvin Ferbianto (Jakarta, Indonesia) share with staff members Brenda Wenger and Michael Smalley at the Cultures Fair. International students and students from non-dominant North American cultures shared their customs and culture with the rest of the campus community during […]

Scholarship supports journey toward inclusion

The changing profile of race and ethnicity within Mennonite Church USA is the inspiration for the newly established Hesston College Inclusion Scholarship in support of the college’s ongoing work with inclusion and diversity. As membership and participation within Mennonite Church USA continues to expand beyond traditional Swiss-German and Russian Mennonites, it is important for Hesston […]

Hesston College and American Guild of Organists to sponsor Easter Hymn Festival

Hesston College and the Hutchinson Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will sponsor an Easter Hymn Festival at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 4, at Hesston Mennonite Church on the Hesston College campus. The program is free and open to the public. The program will feature music for the Easter season by organist Ken Rodgers, […]

Hesston College announces new vice president

Hesston College President Howard Keim announced the appointment of Mark Landes as Vice President of Finance and Auxiliary Services. He will begin his new role in June. Landes’ role includes serving as the college’s chief financial officer, as well as overseeing human relations and the college’s auxiliary services, including the Business Office, Food Services, Information […]

Art gallery features “Portraits of Change”

“Portraits of Change,” a traveling art exhibit by artists from a prison art class, is featured in Hesston College’s Regier-Friesen Gallery on the Hesston College campus through April 5. The inmates participate in the class through Offender Victim Ministries in Newton, Kan., taught by Youthville’s Micala Gingrich-Gaylord. “The Portraits of Change program is based on […]