Simon Zehr (left) celebrates his graduation with his academic advisor Russ Gaeddert (second from left) and his parents Dennis Zehr and Ellen Davis-Zehr.

Graduate overcomes barriers to reach goals

Immediate cheers and applause erupted as Simon Zehr received his Hesston College diploma, and not just because his name was the final one read during the May 11 Commencement ceremony. Zehr’s fist pump and beaming smile so familiar to the campus community, revealed his own joy as he walked off the stage with diploma in […]

Nelson Kilmer Science Scholarship established in honor of longtime instructor

Longtime Hesston College science faculty and staff member Nelson Kilmer’s 46 years of dedicated service to the college is being honored with the establishment of the Nelson Kilmer Science Scholarship by his children Ron Kilmer (Glendale, Ariz.) and Krista (Kilmer) Nelson (Shawnee, Kan.) and their families. Kilmer retired from his service at Hesston College in […]

Mitchell Martin (Milford, Neb.), receives his Hesston College diploma from President Howard Keim.

Graduates encouraged to carry values through life

Graduates of Hesston College’s Class of 2014 were encouraged to take Hesston College values with them as they go everywhere during Commencement exercises May 11. Commencement speakers Joyce Huber, nursing faculty, and Marelby Mosquera, natural science faculty, spoke on “Passport For Your Dream: From Here to Everywhere,” highlighting the values of Christian community, diverse cultures, […]

2013-14 Hesston College student athletes of the year Makayla Ladwig and Nick Yoder

Yoder, Ladwig Honored as Top Student Athletes

Nick Yoder, a sophomore baseball player, and Makayla Ladwig, a sophomore women’s basketball player, were named the 2014 male and female Hesston College Student Athletes of the Year. Yoder, Millersburg, Ohio, a leader among the winningest class in Hesston baseball history, battled injuries his sophomore campaign but still contributed from the shortstop position with award-winning […]

College prepares for leadership transition in Advancement

The Hesston College community will prepare for a leadership transition as Yvonne Sieber, vice president of Advancement, ends her service to the college June 30. Tonya Detweiler will serve as interim vice president of Advancement effective July 1. “Vonnie has led the Advancement team to many noteworthy accomplishments to support the college’s causes,” said President […]

Students commissioned for summer service

During Hesston College chapel April 30, 40 students were commissioned for Christian ministry and service for summer and fall placements. “These students are going to make a difference in someone’s life because they are willing to join with and participate in Jesus’ ministry that is already taking place in all of these different settings,” said […]

Hesston College sophomores Hannah Weaver (left) and Rebecca Eichelberger (right) were named Larks of the Year during the annual LarkFest Awards ceremony May 2.

Students recognized for achievements during LarkFest Awards

Hesston College students were recognized for their academic and extracurricular achievements during the 2013-14 year at Larkfest May 2. Larkfest is an annual end-of-the-year event that recognizes students for their academic, extracurricular, service and leadership accomplishments throughout the academic year. View the Larkfest ceremony. Two students, sophomores Rebecca Eichelberger (Geneva, Neb.) and Hannah Weaver (Inola, […]

Hesston College performing arts to close year with music theatre showcase

Performing arts students in Hesston College’s Music Theatre Workshop will present a music theatre showcase at 7 p.m., Friday, May 9, and Saturday, May 10, in the college’s Northlawn Studio Theatre. The event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited, and attendees are encouraged to arrive early to ensure a seat. Six […]

Hesston College ceramics instructor Hanna Eastin (right) and a student work on a raku firing of ceramics pieces.

Summer clay camp to help shape young artists

Middle school and high school-aged students can expand their creativity and learning with Hesston College’s week-long summer clay camp June 16 to 20 on the Hesston College campus. Hesston College ceramics instructor and local artist Hanna Eastin will lead the camp. The camp will be a beginner’s level introduction into handbuiling ceramics and raku firing. […]

Hesston College 2014 commencement speakers: Joyce Huber, Marelby Mosquera, Nathan Peters, Hannah Weaver

College to celebrate class of 2014

Hesston College will celebrate the class of 2014 during Commencement Weekend May 9 to 11. The commencement ceremony will be at 9 a.m., Sunday, May 11, in Yost Center. Nursing instructor Joyce Huber and natural science instructor Marelby Mosquera will present the commencement address, “Passport For a Dream: From Here to Everywhere.” Huber has served […]

Mark Landes, Hesston College vice president of Finance and Auxiliary Services pulls a wagon of children from the college's preschool on a solar-charged personal activities vehicle to lead the Earth Day parade featuring alternative transportation options.

Cutting the transportation footprint

A parade in celebration of alternative transportation options makes its way across the Hesston College campus during the college’s Earth Day celebration April 24. A personal activities vehicle (PAV) built by students in Nelson Kilmer’s Physics II class led the parade. Also part of the parade were solar-powered bicycles built by previous years’ physics students, […]