Students to gain new insights into healthy relationships through workshop opportunity

College- and high school-age students are invited to learn about creating and maintaining healthy relationships at a free event hosted by Hesston College and Bethel College. “The Relationship Workshop: How to Have a Healthy Relationship in the Modern World” will be presented by Dr. Joanne Davila, Saturday, May 5, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. […]

Cal Hartley internship

Internships give business students a head start in the job market

For the Hesston College business department, hands-on experiences are at the forefront of students’ education. With the transfer process in mind, business professor Vickie Andres always has an eye out for internship opportunities for her students. And for the Hesston College business students who take advantage of those opportunities, they begin to set themselves apart […]

Emil cinnamon rolls

Famed food service director remembered

Emil Yoder, a cook in Food Service from 1952-58 and director of Food Service from 1963-78, passed away Monday, March 12, 2018, in Glendale, Ariz., at the age of 90. Yoder is fondly remembered for his cinnamon rolls, which were always met with rave reviews. During the college’s centennial celebration in 2009, Emil prepared cinnamon […]


Faculty members recognized as leaders in Kansas higher education

The Kansas Independent College Association (KICA) proudly announced the selection of twenty Kansas college faculty members who have been identified as the future leaders of Kansas higher education. Two Hesston College faculty members, Amy Birdsell, aviation, and Heidi Hochstetler, ACESS director, are among those recognized. Together the twenty recipients will comprise the second class of […]

Bel Canto Singers spring break tour will head east

Hesston College’s premier vocal ensemble, the Bel Canto Singers, will travel east for a spring break tour March 18 to 25 with 10 planned performances in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and South Dakota. The 29-voice mixed chamber choir, under the direction of Dr. Russell Adrian, will present a program entitled “Living Water,” which is […]

AVDS participants discuss strategies for changing systemic oppression and injustice in Saturday small group Change Agent sessions.

Conference equips participants with skills to lead and inspire change

Hesston College hosted its annual Anabaptist Vision and Discipleship Series (AVDS) conference Feb. 23 to 25. The theme, “Before the Unthinkable Happens: Confronting our Role in Injustice,” had a focus on dismantling the injustices that surround us in an effort to change the situations that cause unavoidable tragedies to happen. More than 400 people, including […]

Byron Rupp

Rupp hired as Vice President of Advancement

Hesston College President Joseph A. Manickam has announced the appointment of Byron Rupp as vice president of Advancement. Rupp began his new role on Feb. 19. The college’s Advancement division, which Rupp will supervise, includes Development, Alumni and Church Relations, and Marketing and Communications. The vice president role has been in an interim period since […]

iconic Philadelphia, Pa., photos

Philadelphia trip to explore culture and Christianity in an urban setting

Interested persons age 18 and older are invited to join Hesston College Bible and ministry professor Michele Hershberger and students for a three-week urban culture learning trip to Philadelphia, Pa., May 13 to June 3. The transcultural trip will focus on the Latino/a-American culture in the city and the church, as well as that of […]

AVDS 2018 - Before the unthinkable happens: Confronting our role in injustice

Annual AVDS conference to explore healthier communities through dismantling injustices

A year ago, Hesston College’s Anabaptist Vision and Discipleship Series (AVDS), an annual conference for church and community leaders, took on the daunting task of exploring how communities can effectively and compassionately respond when tragic events happen to them or those around them. As a continuation to that discussion, the 2018 AVDS conference will take […]

Thailand photo

Students, alumni and friends invited on trans-cultural trip to Thailand that integrates peacebuilding with the arts

“I have yet to find another mode of communication that cuts across differences, boundaries and borders more than the arts,” said Hesston College President Joe Manickam. “The arts provide a common language that exists in every culture.” And so, Manickam, along with internationally-acclaimed baritone and Hesston College staff member Tony Brown, hope to join the […]


VOCES8 vocal ensemble to bring contemporary flavor to HBPA spring season

Having established themselves as one of the world’s best-loved singing groups, the British vocal ensemble VOCES8 will delight a Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts (HBPA) audience as part of their North American Tour at 7:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 9, at Hesston Mennonite Church on the Hesston College campus. The a cappella ensemble comprised of eight mixed voices […]