Art gallery features founder of traveling roadside attraction

Kansas artist Erika Nelson of Lucas is the featured artist in the Hesston College Regier Friesen Gallery with her show “Stories from the Road” Sept. 16 to Oct. 18. “Stories from the Road” is a multimedia presentation of Nelson’s travels across the country, including a sketchbook project entitled “Travel with Me,” framed snapshots from a […]

Hesston College theatre to present popular courtroom drama

The Hesston College Theatre Department will present five performances of the fall drama “Twelve Angry Jurors,” directed by Laura Kraybill, Oct. 3 to 6 in the Northlawn Studio Theatre on the Hesston College campus. “Twelve Angry Jurors,” by Reginald Rose and adapted by Sherman Sergel, tells the story of a jury considering the fate of […]

Hesston College Nursing students Chad Jones (Halstead, Kan.), Jennifer Kaberline (McPherson, Kan.), Brianne Stutzman (Hesston, Kan.) and Rinda Amstutz (Goessel, Kan.) practice on a sim patient in an on-campus nursing lab.

Nursing alumni to be featured at A Hesston College Homecoming

Hesston College will host Homecoming 2013: A View From Everywhere with an emphasis on nursing and holistic health Sept. 26 to 29. All alumni and friends are invited to the weekend celebration. Registration for all weekend activities is $10 per adult until Sept. 2, and $15 per adult starting Sept. 3. The weekend will feature […]

Art faculty featured in gallery

Faculty and emeritus faculty members in the Hesston College art department are the featured artists in the college’s Regier Friesen Gallery through Sept. 6. Faculty member Hanna Eastin, ceramics instructor, is presenting stoneware sculptures. Lois Misegadis, who teaches drawing, painting, photography and graphic design and is chair of the art department, is featuring her project […]

Theatre department announces 2013-14 season lineup

The Hesston College Theatre Department has announced its season lineup for the 2013-14 academic year, including drama, comedy and opera, under the direction of theatre faculty member Laura Kraybill. The lineup includes Twelve Angry Jurors Oct. 3 to 6, Amahl and the Night Visitors Nov. 28 and 30, student-directed one-acts Nov. 29, Tartuffe Feb. 26 […]

Disaster Management receives financial gift

The good work and learning of students in Hesston College’s Disaster Management Program was rewarded with a $6,000 contribution to the Disaster Management Scholarship Fund from Good Charity, Inc.’s Disaster Relief and Aid Fund. The gift will provide two $3,000 scholarships for students in the Disaster Management Program for the 2013-14 year. Good Charity is […]

2012-13 Hesston College Bel Canto Singers

Hesston College Bel Canto Singers and MEDA create opportunities for inclusion

Hesston College and Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) will both benefit from the sales of the Hesston College Bel Canto Singers’ new CD. The proceeds will be split evenly to provide student scholarships at Hesston and, through MEDA, assist small businesses in Latin America.  During the 2012-13 year, the Bel Canto Singers program, “Songs of […]

Bel Canto Singers membership for 2013-14 announced

The Hesston College Music Department has announced membership for the 2013-14 Bel Canto Singers. Members are selected by competitive audition. Incoming first-year students named to the ensemble are Rachelle Adrian, Mountain Lake, Minn.; Mary Bender, Harrisonburg, Va.; Spencer Berning, Newton, Kan.; Keilah Brokaw, Kalona, Iowa; Davis Cook, Goessel, Kan.; Galed Krisjayanta, Surakarta, Indonesia; Havela Lehman, […]

This piece by Phillip Hilty, Peoria, Ariz., won Best-in-Show for the 2013 Hesston College Student Art Show.

Art students’ work on display

Hesston College student artwork is on display in three locations from now until May 3. The student work features a variety of art media from both fall and spring semesters of the 2012-13 academic year. All exhibits are free and open to the public. The college’s annual juried student art show is on display in […]

Hesston College physics students Keenan Jensen and Ron Wenger talk with Earth Day guests about the electric bicycles with solar power charging stations they helped build.

Green engineering

Hesston College physics students Keenan Jensen, Hesston, Kan., and Ron Wenger, Adair, Okla., talk with Earth Day guests about the electric bicycles with solar power charging stations they helped build. Other students presented about a possible solar electric plan for the J.D. Charles Hall of Science and Arts and environmental biology and microbiology students presented […]

Hesston College Bel Canto Singers, spring 2013

Bel Canto Singers to celebrate 30 years with east coast tour

The Hesston College Bel Canto Singers will celebrate 30 years of making music with a May tour to the east coast May 6 to 16, highlighted by a four-day New York City excursion. While in New York, the choir will participate in a Carnegie Hall performance and perform solo concerts at Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship and […]


Award-winning German a cappella group to close out HBPA season

The refined vocal excellence of Calmus, a German a cappella ensemble, will round out the 2012-13 Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts season with a concert entitled “Bright Side of Life” at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 14, at Hesston Mennonite Church on the Hesston College campus. Following the concert, HBPA will host a dessert reception in the Hesston […]

Hesston College and American Guild of Organists to sponsor Easter Hymn Festival

Hesston College and the Hutchinson Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will sponsor an Easter Hymn Festival at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 4, at Hesston Mennonite Church on the Hesston College campus. The program is free and open to the public. The program will feature music for the Easter season by organist Ken Rodgers, […]