Art faculty featured in gallery

Faculty and emeritus faculty members in the Hesston College art department are the featured artists in the college’s Regier Friesen Gallery through Sept. 6. Faculty member Hanna Eastin, ceramics instructor, is presenting stoneware sculptures. Lois Misegadis, who teaches drawing, painting, photography and graphic design and is chair of the art department, is featuring her project […]

This piece by Phillip Hilty, Peoria, Ariz., won Best-in-Show for the 2013 Hesston College Student Art Show.

Art students’ work on display

Hesston College student artwork is on display in three locations from now until May 3. The student work features a variety of art media from both fall and spring semesters of the 2012-13 academic year. All exhibits are free and open to the public. The college’s annual juried student art show is on display in […]

Art gallery features “Portraits of Change”

“Portraits of Change,” a traveling art exhibit by artists from a prison art class, is featured in Hesston College’s Regier-Friesen Gallery on the Hesston College campus through April 5. The inmates participate in the class through Offender Victim Ministries in Newton, Kan., taught by Youthville’s Micala Gingrich-Gaylord. “The Portraits of Change program is based on […]

Hesston College art gallery features young artists

Kids from Newton’s United Methodist Youthville campus, are the featured artists in the Hesston College Friesen Center gallery. The works of art are from “The Monster In Me” project through Youthville’s Expressive Arts Center, directed by Micala Gingrich-Gaylord, and will be displayed through Feb. 18. “The Monster In Me” project gave kids at Newton’s Youthville […]

Art faculty display work

    Faculty members in the Hesston College art department are exhibiting pieces of their personal works in the Friesen Center for the Visual Arts gallery on the Hesston College campus through Sept. 9. Hanna Eastin and Paul Friesen have clay pieces displayed while Lois Misegadis is presenting sculptures made largely from limestone. A reception […]

Artist’s exhibit explores connections

Hesston College graduate, former employee and artist Ken Gingerich is making a brief return to campus with his exhibit, “Thin places shine in time and space. Stone hearts dance in cosmic grace.” The exhibit will be displayed in the Friesen Center for the Visual Arts art gallery until April 5. The public is invited to […]

Youthville traveling art exhibit, Walk A Mile, at Hesston College through March 31

release courtesy Youthville Youthville invites audiences in and around Hesston to experience this moving showcase. The Walk A Mile project serves disadvantaged youth in Youthville’s care through artistic expression. Micala Gingrich-Gaylord, Expressive Arts Center Coordinator in Newton creates a way for youth to tell their story of life in the “system” through art by having […]