Course Descriptions: BUAC

BuAc205 Financial Accounting I 4 hours

Provides a foundational understanding of accounting as a tool for communicating financial information about the activities of a business. Emphasizes the concepts and principles used to analyze accounting transactions. The course includes the accounting cycles for service and merchandising firms and corporate accounting methods of preparing and analyzing related financial statements. Specific aspects of accounting also addressed include control over cash, current and plant/fixed assets, current and long-term liabilities and the time-value of money. Financial Accounting I is designed for both accounting majors and non-majors. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or consent of instructor.

BuAc206 Managerial Accounting I 3 hours

Focuses on the study of accounting in terms of management’s information requirements. This course emphasizes the use of accounting information to assist managers in decision making, planning and controlling the operations of the business. Prerequisite: BUAC 205.