Bel Canto membership for 2012-13 announced

The Hesston College Music Department has announced membership for the 2012-13 Bel Canto Singers. Members are selected by competitive audition. Incoming first-year students named to the ensemble are Josh Booth of Goessel, Kan., Morgan Martin of New Holland, Pa., Rebecca Rhodes of Arthur, Ill., Jeffrey Smoker of Harrisonburg, Va., and Emily Taylor of Buhler, Kan. […]

Hesston College professor Al Yoder explains a point during an ESL (English as a Second Language) course during the spring semester. Yoder is retiring from the college at the end of the present school year in early May.

Remembering Al

“Here is the particular case of Mr. Al Yoder, who gave me great support when I was struggling in my classes because of my poor English.” Victor Carrasco’s words echoed dozens of his fellow Hesston College international students who studied English with Yoder and who sent prayers and words of encouragement during their former instructor’s […]

Hesston College to celebrate 2012 graduates May 6

Hesston College will celebrate the class of 2012 with the 102nd commencement ceremony at 9 a.m. Sunday, May 6, in Yost Center. Joe Manickam, a 1987 Hesston College graduate, will present the commencement address “Back to Basics,” based on the college’s 2011-12 theme verse from Micah 6:8. Manickam of Lancaster, Pa., serves as director for […]

Hesston College students share their experiences with Hesston College Bible classes with Bible teachers from nine Mennonite high schools April 12.

Mennonite speed dating

Bible teachers from nine Mennonite high schools visited Hesston (Kan.) College and Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.) April 12 and 13. Hesston College Bible instructor Michele Hershberger devised an interesting method to introduce the Bible teachers to Hesston’s program. She invited a group of students to share their Hesston Bible course experiences with the teachers […]

Hesston College students are introduced to Tulsa Central Junior High and High School by Ms. Sadie Stockdale during a February 2012 visit.

Hesston College reflects on year during Kansas Private College Week

Hesston College will recognize April 16 to 22 as Kansas Private College Week based on a proclamation issued by Governor Sam Brownback. Hesston College is one of 18 independent colleges and universities that form the Kansas Independent College Association to be recognized during the week. According to the proclamation, the KICA member schools enroll 22,000 […]

Hesston College sophomore to perform recital

Hesston College music student Robert Howell will perform a sophomore voice recital at 7 p.m. April 26 in the Hesston Mennonite Church sanctuary on the Hesston College campus. The public is invited to attend. Howell, of Newton Kan., has been a member of the Bel Canto Singers under the direction of Bradley Kauffman for two […]

The Rose Ensemble

Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts to host The Rose Ensemble for concert and residency

The culminating event of the 2011-12 Hesston-Bethel Performing Arts series will feature The Rose Ensemble, one of America’s premiere choral groups, for a three-day residency and program entitled “Land of Three Faiths: Voices of Ancient Mediterranean Christians, Jews and Muslims” at 7:30 p.m. April 27 in the Hesston Mennonite Church sanctuary on the Hesston College […]

Multi-award winning author to speak at Hesston College

Award-winning author Marty Essen will present his high-energy, multi-media show “Around the World in 90 Minutes” at 7 p.m. April 22 in the Hesston Mennonite Church sanctuary on the Hesston College campus as part of the college’s Earth Day celebrations. The presentation is free and open to the public. Essen’s show features interesting facts, humorous […]