Because we are centered on Jesus Christ – Aspiration 1

Aspiration 1 - Because we are centered on Jesus Christ

At Hesston College, we aspire to be a global community centered on Jesus Christ, where we start a distinct journey toward the healing of our relationship with God, ourselves, friends, enemies and creation, nurtured through an invitation to faith formation and service to the world.


  1. Center our lives on Jesus Christ as the interpretive anchor to understanding the Bible, the norm for our ethics and the source of our spiritual vitality.
  2. Develop our relationships in community by breaking down barriers and practicing a daring humility that retains our Anabaptist identity and includes others.
  3. Commit ourselves to intentional faith formation, including the practice of nonviolence, prayer, mutuality, service and joy.
  4. Develop leaders shaped by a Gospel ethic.
  5. Seek mutual and respectful partnerships within and beyond Mennonite Church USA, as we aspire to be the Mennonite college for all.