Rich Jiwanlal is a human resources expert with 15 years experience at the vice president and senior v.p. level in the banking and aircraft manufacturing industries. With degrees in general science (B.S., Ravishankar University, India), business and econ (B.S., Bethel College, North Newton, Kan.) and business administration (M.B.A., Emporia (Kan.) State University, his expertise spans talent management and succession planning, benefits design, strategic project management, Board engagement, employee and organized labor relations, executive recruiting and coaching, employee and executive compensation.
Roby Miller
Tim Penner, chairman and CEO, Harper Industries, Harper, Kan.
An executive with 30 years experience leading agricultural equipment manufacturing ventures, Tim Penner is chairman and CEO of Harper Industries, Harper, Kan. Service to others has been a key element in Tim’s career. After completing his bachelor’s degree in biology and tropical agriculture at Goshen (Ind.) College he worked in agricultural and community development in Bolivia through Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and has been an active member of Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) for many years.