Kempf to perform, lead workshop at Hesston College

Singer/songwriter/worship leader Jeremy Kempf will lead a workshop and present a concert at Hesston College Saturday, March 27.

A 2000 graduate of Hesston College, Kempf and fellow Hesston students founded Thirstborne, a band that traveled the country for five years, challenging youth to strengthen their relationship with Jesus. Kempf also led youth worship bands for Mennonite Church USA conventions in 2007 (San Jose, Calif.) and 2009 (Columbus, Ohio) and played in the junior youth worship band for the 2005 convention (Charlotte, N.C.).

From his Elkhart, Ind., office, Kempf coordinates the recruitment efforts for several short-term Mennonite Church USA service programs: Mennonite Voluntary Service, Service Adventure, Youth Venture, SOOP (Service Opportunities for Older People), DOOR (Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection), and Radical Journey. In addition to recruiting, Kempf counsels applicants in the interview and placement process.

Saturday afternoon, March 27, Kempf will lead a workshop titled, “Beyond the notes: Preparing to lead meaningful worship.” The workshop will be from 1 to 4 p.m. at Hesston Mennonite Church. Workshop topics include:

  • preparing for a worship service (song selection, personal prep, practice, etc.);
  • practice time (efficiency, coaching musicians);
  • stage presence;
  • song arrangements;
  • Q&A.

Following the workshop will be a time for participants to play music, share original music and give ideas to others in attendance.

At 7:30, Kempf will perform a concert in Hesston Mennonite Church. The set list features songs from his solo album Conversations.

Cost for the workshop is $15 and includes a ticket to the evening’s concert. Concert tickets may also be purchased individually at the door for $5. Individual tickets will not be sold in advance, but may be purchased at the door. Doors open at 6:45 p.m.

For more information or to register for the workshop, contact Hesston Mennonite Church at 620-327-4885. Hesston Mennonite Church is located at 309 South Main Street in Hesston.