Type: Active (small group)
Group Size: 6-10
Equipment: One Playground Ball
- One player stands in the middle of a circle of players.
- Each player chooses a different color.
- The player in the middle throws the playground in the air, simultaneously calling out a color.
- All players without a color, as well as the thrower, immediately run away from the circle.
- The player with the designated color must retrieve the ball and yell “Stop!” Everyone freezes on this command.
- The player with the ball toward this chosen player. If touched, that player becomes the thrower in the middle.
- If missed, the roller becomes the new thrower.
- Use players’ names if remembering colors becomes too confusing.
- Instead of running, use different locomotors skills such as skipping or galloping.
- Allow the players to take a specific number of steps toward the targeted person.
- Have students pair up and perform locomotors skills together as they move out from the circle. This then increase the target size for less-skilled rollers
- Using each others name is easier than using colors because there’s a possibility that someone doesn’t have that color.
- Primary for use for middle schooler’s, high schoolers and college students