Hosting Opportunities

Offer home stay for international students during break periods
Hesston College typically has about 50 international students in any given school year. Few of these students have family members in the U.S. with whom they can spend vacation or break times. The college needs to close its dormitories and dining hall during the Christmas break (typically three weeks in duration) and spring break week in March.
The college has been fortunate in having a number of host families who are willing to provide a temporary home for international students. For a variety of reasons, persons on the list are, on occasion, unable to host a student, giving rise to the need to increase the number of homes potentially available as needed.
If you are willing to serve in this important way, please indicate the following details:

  • how many students you can accommodate
  • prefer males
  • prefer females
  • no preference
Offer overnight space for college guests
During special events and programs, frequently there are requests for home stays by the resource persons or other program participants. If you can provide overnight accommodations on an as-needed basis, subject to your personal schedule convenience, please indicate the following:

  • number of bedrooms available
  • prefer couples
  • can accommodate couples with children
  • prefer males
  • prefer females

To express your interest in the volunteer position above…

send an email to Bill Zuercher, indicating that you are interested in volunteering to help with hosting students or campus guests. Please indicate and if you prefer to host female students, male students or if you have no preference. Please include your name, address and phone number.