Hymn Festival to celebrate Anabaptism at five hundred

Anabaptism at 500 Hymn Festival

The Hesston College Music Department invites the public to join in a historic celebration of faith, music and heritage at Anabaptism at Five Hundred: Hymn Festival on Sunday, January 19, at 3 p.m. at Hesston Mennonite Church.

The Hymn Festival will feature a historical narrative by Ken Rodgers, music professor, tracing the evolution of hymns and texts central to Anabaptist worship over the past 500 years. Another highlight of the event is choral and congregational singing, with singers from surrounding churches combining with audience participation to create a communal expression of faith and song. Music will be led by Dr. Russell Adrian, director of choral activities, and accompanied by Karen Unruh, performing arts staff member.

This community-wide event is part of worldwide celebrations commemorating the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism, a faith movement that began with the first adult baptisms in Zurich, Switzerland, on January 21, 1525. Those baptisms sparked the spread of Anabaptism across Europe and eventually around the globe, shaping religious history and traditions for half a millennium. The Hymn Festival also coincides with the release of the Anabaptist Community Bible, a significant new publication that reflects the shared theology and values of Anabaptist communities.

Join the Hesston College community for an inspiring afternoon celebrating a significant milestone in history through music and storytelling. For more information, contact the Hesston College Music Department at finearts@hesston.edu or 620-327-8141.