Photo release – Bethel-Hesston-Tabor Ultimate Frisbee tournament

Hesston College sophomore Kyle Vogt, Harper, Kan., makes the catch as Tabor College freshman Jacob Heil, Wichita, Kan., defends.

Hesston College Ultimate Frisbee players hosted 15-member teams from Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.) and Tabor College (Hillsboro, Kan.) November 1 for a round-robin Ultimate tournament. The Bethel team earned the traveling trophy-a plastic torso donated by Hesston College’s Art Department with a pair of shorts that say “GOOD GAME” on them-with wins over Hesston (7-6) and Tabor (13-8). Tabor defeated Hesston 11-10 in the final game of the day. Hesston College Campus Activities Directors Brent Brockmueller and Emily Yoder planned the event in cooperation with their counterparts at Tabor (Sara Sigley) and Bethel (Amber Chalashtari).

“This is an idea that has been batted around for years by all of the schools,” Brockmueller commented. “The proximity in which we live should lead to more activities between the schools. It’s also coming on the coattails of the ‘Menno Bowl’ (Bethel vs.Tabor football game). We’re hoping to make this an annual event or possibly every semester.”