Chris Shaw organ recital at Hesston Mennonite Church February 8

Organist Chris Shaw will perform in concert at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, February 8, at Hesston Mennonite Church. The concert, sponsored by the Hesston College Music Department, is free and open to the public.

The program will include selections from Mass for the Convents by Francois Couperin, the Prelude and Fugue in C Major BWV 547 of J.S. Bach, three chorale settings by Johannes Brahms, as well as hymn singing and hymn settings for organ.

Shaw grew up in Peabody, Kan., and graduated from Bethel College in May 2005 with a degree in organ performance and music education. He has studied organ with Ken Rodgers (Hesston College music faculty member), Shirley Sprunger King, David Cherwien, and Roseann Penner Kaufman.

Shaw is in his fourth year teaching K-12 vocal music in the Madison-Virgil school district in Chase County south of Strong City, where his choirs have received superior ratings at state music festivals.

Shaw also continues as an organist for Bethel College Mennonite Church, North Newton, Kan., and is often found in the area as an accompanist and church musician.