Family dynamics topic of Phil and Gail Ebersole, pastors-in-residence October 13-15

Phil and Gail Ebersole

The pain of divorce and other family dynamics will be the topic discussed by Phil and Gail Ebersole, Denver, Colo., when they serve as pastors-in-residence at Hesston College Monday, October 13, through Wednesday, October 15.

Phil will speak during the 11 a.m. chapel October 13 on the topic “What happens when divorce hits your family or friends?” Meanwhile, Gail’s address during chapel October 15 is titled “A blended family and leaving a legacy.” Chapel is held at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary of Hesston Mennonite Church on the college campus. The public is cordially invited.

A pastor’s lunch and forum are planned at noon, October 13, in the Sauder Room of Bontrager Dining Hall. “Missional Churches-Extending Grace and Building Strong Families” will be the theme of Phil’s presentation.

Meanwhile, a youth pastors’ luncheon and workshop is scheduled for noon, October 14, again in the Sauder Room. Gail will discuss youth ministry in the next decade.

In addition, Phil and Gail Ebersole will connect with students at 11 p.m., October 14, at Druber’s Donut Shop in Newton. And Phil will be the guest speaker during the 8 p.m. Campus Worship for students October 15.

Phil Ebersole is pastor of a new church beginning in Denver, primarily directed toward younger adults. The focus is on a blend of Christ-centered spiritual formation and commitment to serving the city, social justice, and peacemaking. He has served in pastoral positions at Harrisonburg (Va.) Mennonite Church, Toledo (Ohio) Mennonite Church, and most recently at Peace Mennonite Church, Aurora, Colo.

Gail Ebersole serves as senior vice president for Young Life, an international youth ministry reaching middle school and high school youth. She has worked for Young Life for 31 years, and now supervises an area stretching from Michigan to Montana.

The Ebersoles have two young adult children, Wade and Megan.