Theatre Camp

Hesston College summer theatre camp presents Mean Girls the musical.

Summer Theatre Camp 2024

Theatre Camp will run Sunday through Saturday, June 16 to 22, with students (ages 11 to 18) checking in from 2 to 3 p.m. on the 16th and staying on campus through Saturday’s performance. The weeklong immersive theatre experience will culminate in a performance at 2 p.m., Saturday in the Hesston Mennonite Church sanctuary on the Hesston College campus.


$335 per person includes lodging and meals for seven days and six nights. Families registering more than one student pay full price for the first student and receive a $20 discount for each additional student of the same immediate family.
$285 for those who choose day camp only (includes lunches).

Register now.

Registration deadline: June 14, 2024. Complete online form and mail check to Hesston College Theatre Director, Box 3000, Hesston, KS 67062.

Questions? Contact Rachel Jantzi,, 620-327-8142.