- Drive college vehicles for student pick-ups or errands
- The primary group needing assistance with transportation is international students, most of whom are not experienced drivers and do not have access to vehicles locally. Principal times when drivers are needed include opening weekend (generally in late August); Christmas break; fall and spring breaks (October and March); and end of the school year (May). At other times during the year, drivers are needed to provide transportation for shopping trips or medical appointments, or for personal events that cannot be accommodated on campus.
There is occasional need for drivers for transportation to and from the Wichita airport for guest speakers or program participants, and occasionally other destinations. Long-distance trips may come up occasionally, but are not anticipated.
A valid drivers license is needed, with that information and other personal data to be registered with the college Facilities Department for internal use only. All drivers will be cleared by the insurance company covering Hesston College vehicles.
To express your interest in the volunteer position above…
send an email to Bill Zuercher, indicating that you are interested in volunteering to help with transportation. Please include your name, address and phone number.