Tony Brown, internationally acclaimed baritone, will be honored for his contribution to Hesston College and the local community for the past 15 years in a farewell tribute event at 7 p.m., Wednesday, July 8, at the Water’s Edge restaurant, 701 S. Main St., Hesston. The program will feature performance songs as well as homemade ice cream and refreshments from the Water’s Edge. The public is invited to attend.

Brown will move to his boyhood home area of Pittsburgh, Pa., to live near family members. He plans to continue his work with the Peacing It Together Foundation, as well as perform around the country and world. His current feature event is the multi-media presentation I Go On Singing, a musical tribute to American hero and African-American entertainer of the 20th century, Paul Robeson. Brown will also continue as a part-time development officer for the college.
Brown came to Hesston College as artist in residence and sociology faculty member on a one-year assignment in 2000. He has since served in those roles as well as campus counselor and internal consultant for diversity and inclusion. His presence on the college campus as well as in multiple settings in the Kansas region and around the world have been a wonderful gift to the local and global communities.
Contributions will be accepted at the event for the Peacing It Together Foundation. Brown founded the organization, which serves the global community as a resource for peace and social justice, using music and the spoken word to bring people together across the divides of race, culture and religion. In his travels, Brown has seen music transform and heal in countries such as Bosnia, Moldova, Northern Ireland, Uganda, Ethiopia, the Philippines, China, Japan, South Korea, Colombia and most recently on a three-week tour to Java and Bali Islands in Indonesia.